11 сент. 2009 г.


Оригинальный хорватский ансамбль из Загреба «Inti Raimi».
Здесь 11 роликов.

Flor de Titicaca (wayñu) Puno, Perú

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Aguila Negra (wayñu) Huancayo, Perú
"Aguila Negra je huayno iz središnjeg Perua oko grada Huancayo. Huayno je najkarakterističniji ritam Perua i korijene vuče još iz razdoblja prije dolaska Europljana. Za razliku od europskih ritmova karakterizira ga asimetričnost. Naime, inspiracija za ovaj ritam dolazi od ritma lupanja srca."

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Mirella (cueca) Bolivia
"Cueca je nacionalni ples Bolivije i Čilea u kojem muškarac i žena oponašaju udvaranje pijetla i... :) kokoši."

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Pifanos / Canción de Cuna - Bolivia / Ecuador
"Pifanos su primitivne poprečne drvene flaute koje se sviraju najviše u sjeverozapadnoj Boliviji, a često se koriste i kod obreda iscjeljivanja. Cancion de Cuna je jedna uspavanka iz sjevernog Ekvadora."

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Pascualitay (Pascua) Potosí-Sucre, Bolivia
"Područje oko grada Potosi u Boliviji ima specifičnu glazbenu tradiciju. Glavni instrument je mala lutnja - charango, koja se svira tako da se istovremeno izvodi melodija i ritam..."

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Calpay (sanjuanito) Ecuador
"Ritam sanjuanito iz Ekvadora vezan je uz proslavu sv.Ivana u lipnju (a što se u Peruu zove Inti Raimi)..."

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Cumbapateñita (wayñu) Perú
"Jedan huayno iz okolice grada Cuzca - prijestolnice Inka. Glazba tog područja dosta podsjeća na kinesku glazbu...."

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Pinkillos - región aymara Bolivia y Perú

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Puno Ausente (marinera) Puno, Perú
"Puno Ausente je marinera - kolonijalni ples 19.stoljeća iz Perua, a ova stilski pripada južnom Peruu, području Puno oko jezera Titicaca. Budući da je riječ o gospodskom plesu više ima mediteranskog nego autohtonog utjecaja."

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Yo Soy la Indiecita Ancash, Perú
"Yo Soy la Indiecita - huayno iz sjevernog Perua (Ancash). Muzika tog područja vrlo je jednostavna i podsjeća na usamljenost kao i krajolik."

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"Inti Raimi na HRT-u (19.05.2009.).
Intervjui prije koncerta 15.05. u Hrvatskom povijesnom muzeju...."

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Inti Raimi is a Zagreb-based ensemble that bases its music on the extinct 19th century music of Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia. This music emerged from a mélange of South American, European and African culture during the colonisation of South America, and is quite different than the instant music provided by the street performers usually first associated with these countries. After 10 years of “musical archaeology”, Inti Raimi recorded what is for the moment its only CD (entitled Inti Raimi), which in fact received its best reviews from fellow musicians in Peru and Ecuador. It has collaborated in the past with UNESCO, the Olympic Games, and in Croatia has appeared on all major TV and radio stations. The ensemble is supported by the Peruvian consulate in Zagreb. In spite of its often dark themes and lyrics, the ensemble’s concerts are noted for their spontaneity and lively, almost humorous, atmosphere, which allows audiences a close encounter with the music and instruments played 100, 200 and in some cases 1,000 years ago.

The audience also has an opportunity to hear many unusual and unexpected bits of trivia, such as why all of the sculptures from one of the early South American cultures have runny noses. It should be said that, in fact, in the present day, Inti Raimi is one of the last few ensembles in the world endeavouring to maintain a serious connection to the vanished traditional music of Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia. But it is also quite unique in one thing, and that is the introduction of “alternative history” in music, trying to answer the question of what kind of music would have emerged had the first contact with the Incas been made by Croatians instead of by the Spanish. And since all of the members of the group have been involved in Croatian traditional music (which is not unusual given where they come from), they have produced music very interesting to audiences.
