22 авг. 2009 г.

AYLLU «Folklore de Bolivia»

«AYLLU» — хорватско-боливийская группа.

Folklore de Bolivia«FOLKLORE DE BOLIVIA» (1983)
01. Alturas de Huallpakayu (Folk.) huayño
02. Chichitay (Folk.) huayño
03. Leño Verde (Cavour, E.) carnavalito
04. Mohoceñada (Folk.) huayño
05. Karumanta (Ayllu) kantu-carnavalito
06. Morenada de los Sapos (Vargas, G.) morenada
07. Cóndor Pasa (Folk.) danza y fuga huayño
08. Ripuy Paloma (Folk.) huayño
09. Wayakauri (Ayllu) sikuriada
10. Tinku (Folk.) tonada potosina
11. Tusuy Imilla (Folk.) huayño
12. Caporales (Folk.) tundiqui

DOWNLOAD >> mp3, 256kbps, 44.1khz, stereo, 57.2MB

croatian bolivian folk group
The '80 were also in the sign of an excellent group called Ayllu settled in Zagreb. There were several bolivians (whose ancestors originated from Croatia) who managed to get yugoslav grants for their studies at Zagreb University. Soon after their arrival they arised interest in andean music, so that their croatian friends and musicians started to learn to play it. As far as we know they had a lot of very good concerts all over the ex-yugoslavia. Their work is saved on three LP recordings. The following members are signed as performers:
Enrique Alejandro González (siku, guitar, bombo)
Jorge Fernando Quiriguin (charango, siku, bombo)
Darko Horvat (guitar, charango, quena, tarka, quenacho)
Milton Arandia Antezana (vocal, guitar, charango, bombo)
Juan Luis González (bombo, siku, ch'ajchas)
Robert Lovrić (quena, siku, quenacho, tarka, pusipias)
Zrinka Božićević (quena, siku, vocal)
Branimir Ranogajec (violin, ch'ajchas)
Rade Pažameta (guitar, siku)

AYLLU "Folklore de Bolivia", Suzy, 1983
AYLLU "Caminos del Ande", Suzy, 1984
AYLLU "Sorata", Suzy, 1990
AYLLU "Ch'alla", 2004/2005